The Magic of the Cities.

Zen promotes the rediscovery of the obvious, which is so often lost in its familiarity and simplicity. It sees the miraculous in the common and magic in our everyday surroundings. When we are not rushed, and our minds are unclouded by conceptualizations, a veil will sometimes drop, introducing the viewer to a world unseen since childhood. ~ John Greer

Tuesday, January 30, 2007



Dsole said...

Jo, me dejaste sin palabas y con la mirada fija en la foto ampliada por un momento... genial, una foto de pĆ³ster, con esos globos de colores... guau!

Carraol said...

Gracias mil, por tus palabras.

Anonymous said...

wonderful mood! i like that you put the grid in

Carraol said...

Kris, thanks for visiting.